Applying for a job

We encourage you to apply for our advertised job vacancies if you believe you:

  • have the relevant skills and experience; and
  • are a good fit for the role.

Please read the job applicant kit carefully and learn about working with our agency before you apply.

How to apply

To apply for a job, please send us:

To support you writing your application, refer to the:

Submitting your application

Email People Strategies your application.

It is requested in the subject line that you note (in this order):

  • job title;
  • classification; and
  • vacancy (VN) number

Your application must be received before the closing date/time. You will receive an email confirmation when your application has been received.


We recognise and foster the diversity of the Australian community and our workforce through participating in the RecruitAbility scheme.

We encourage people with disability to put forward their skills and capabilities during the selection process.

All our externally advertised vacancies are accessible under the RecruitAbility scheme.

To opt-in to the scheme, tell us in the Diversity section of the application form.

Opting into RecruitAbility is voluntary. The guide for applicants has more information on how to apply under the scheme.

Reasonable adjustment

We can provide reasonable adjustment during the recruitment process, such as with:

  • access
  • equipment
  • other practical support.

If you will need reasonable adjustment at any stage, please let us know on your application coversheet or you can contact People Strategies.


We handle all information collected for potential employment in line with the Privacy Act 1988.

Further information about the Privacy Act 1988 can be viewed on the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner website.

Recruitment decisions

We recruit staff based on:

We compare the skills, experience and abilities of each candidate who applied for the same job.

We assume you can attend a face-to-face interview, unless you tell us otherwise on your application cover sheet. 

If your application is successful, we’ll give you as much notice as possible of an interview date, time and location.