Model WHS Laws

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We are required under section 11C of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) to publish a disclosure log on our website. The disclosure log lists information which has been released in response to an FOI access request. We must publish the information within 10 working days after the day a person is given access to a document. This requirement has applied since 1 May 2011.

The disclosure log requirement does not apply to:

  • personal information about any person if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
  • information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
  • other information covered by a determination made by the Australian Information Commissioner if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
  • any information if it is not reasonably practicable to publish the information because of the extent of modifications that would need to be made to delete the information listed in the above dot points.

The information described in the disclosure log table below has been released by us under the FOI Act and is available for public access.


FOI Reference numberDate information listed in disclosure logSummary of FOI request received by Agency/MinisterDescription of information released under this disclosure log (and whether released in full or part)Date when information may be deleted from a websiteOther information/file number
11-00614 December 2011

Documents and information relating to:

  • OHS in the freight, logistics and heavy haulage industries
  • OHS in the warehousing and retail distribution industries
  • the role of owner driver in the above industries, and
  • the role of ‘chain or responsibility’ from consignors to drivers in OHS in the above industries.
FOI 11-006 – Schedule of documentsN/ASWA11/1063
12-00219 March 2012All documents in the possession of Safe Work Australia relating to the creation of the draft model Code of Practice ‘Preventing and Responding to Workplace Bullying.’FOI 12-002 – Schedule of documentsN/A 
12-00420 June 2012Safe Work Australia's Evaluation Plan for the Harmonisation of Work Health and Safety in AustraliaEvaluation plan for the harmonisation of work health and safety in AustraliaN/A 
12-0037 August 2012Documents relating to the development of the model Code of Practice for Abrasive BlastingFOI 12-003 – Schedule of documentsN/ASWA12/875
12-0059 August 2012Documents relating to case study 4, security guards fatally injured whilst working, in the NOHSC publication “Work related fatalities involving security guards in Australia, 1989-1992”FOI 12-005 – Schedule of documentsN/ASWA12/1142
12-0061 November 2012Documents relating to the proposal to appoint a review to conduct research for the ‘Perceptions of the Implementation of WHS harmonisation.
FOI 12-006 – Schedule of documents
12-0071 November 2012A full breakdown of spending by outcome, sub-outcome and programme by the Agency for the present financial year and for forward estimates.FOI 12-007 – Schedule of documents
13-00122 February 2013Documents in relation to part 3.1 of the model Code of Practice Managing Noise and Preventing Hearing Loss at WorkFOI 13-001 – Schedule of documentsN/AN/A
13-0042 September 2013Documents relating to draft model Code of Practice for Managing Risks in StevedoringFOI 13-004 – Schedule of documentsN/AN/A
13-00518 October 2013Documents relating to the Asbestos Compliance and Exposure Study of Construction and Maintenance Workers report published by Safe Work Australia in 2010FOI 13-005 – Schedule of documentsN/AN/A
13-00621 November 2013Minutes of the Implementation TAG Meeting 6 and SIG WHS Meeting 9FOI 13-006 – Schedule of documentsN/AN/A
13-00710 December 2013Agenda papers for the Implementation TAG Meeting 6 and SIG WHS Meeting 9FOI 13-007 – Schedule of documentsN/AN/A
15-0017 September 2015Emails and attachments relating to AgVet labelling requirements under WHS laws, within defined timeframe.FOI 15-001 – Schedule of documentsN/AN/A
16-00112 February 2016Stakeholder submissions on the draft National Standard and Codes of Practice for the Control of Workplace Hazardous chemicals that mention agricultural chemical labelling requirements, within a defined timeframe.FOI 16-001 – Schedule of documentsN/AN/A
16-00319 May 2015Safe Work Australia’s internal social media policy.  

Safe Work Australia Social Media Guidelines – Communications and Publishing (July 2013)

Safe Work Australia Social Media Policy and Guidelines (10 January 2014)

SWA Social Media – Community Standards (undated)

16-00427 May 2015The report conducted into the health and safety of at-risk migrant workers in 2014-15.Emerging Issues Pilot Strategic Directions Report on ‘at risk’ migrant workers October 2015 (Final)N/AN/A
16-00522 August 2016The PricewaterhouseCoopers report arising from the review of the Australian Mesothelioma RegistryReview of the Australian Mesothelioma Registry - Final Report (June 2016)N/AN/A
17-00417 July 2017

A copy of:

  • SWMS and WHS Management Plans research report completed by the National Research Centre for OHS Regulation at the Australian National University (ANU)
  • Any drafts of the report
  • The other 6-7 research reports Safe Work Australia commissioned the ANU to undertake
  • Internal documentation or formal communications concerning what the regulator is proposing to do in response to the research findings.
FOI 17-004 – Schedule of documentsN/AN/A
18-0055 June 2018

Information, including communications, showing Safe Work Australia’s internal consideration and/or deliberation about the final Workplace Safety Futures Report (final report).

Information about any changes made to the final report from draft reports following communications from Safe Work Australia.

FOI 18-005 – Schedule of documentsN/AN/A
18-00726 June 2018

Minutes of Safe Work Australia executive meetings and sub-committee meetings of SIG-Workers Compensation and SIG-WHS that occurred between January 2011 and December 2014, that include subject matters of Upper Big Branch (USA) mine explosion, coal workers pneumoconiosis, black lung, silicosis, coal dust and/or NIOSH.

Any correspondence (including reports and safety alerts/notices) and communications by Safe Work Australia or its members with world collaboration partners ILO, WHO and any others, that include the subject matters set out above.

FOI 18-007 – Schedule of documentsN/AN/A
19-00512 September 2019

Safe Work Australia considerations and any associated documentation about providing financial support for the “Breathe Freely” programme (the program) proposed by the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH), and

File notes or minutes of meetings and teleconferences with the AIOH about the program including on

  • 21 February 2019; and
  • 6 March 2019.
FOI 19-005 – Schedule of documentsN/AN/A
19-00620 September 2019

For the building and construction industry:

  • The number of improvement, prohibition and penalty notices issued as well as prosecution (which may or may not result in an undertaking) split into states and breaches (e.g. license related, working environment, behaviour, knowledge) for the last 3 years available [Category 1]
  • Total fines issued breakdown by states and breaches for the last 3 years available [Category 2]
  • (if available) cost of enforcing safework for each state including cost for audits, negotiation and prosecution [Category 3]
  • The number of injuries and fatalities by each state and occupation (if there’s data later than 2012-13) [Category 4]
FOI 19-006 – Category 4 documents.N/A

Schedule of documents released under FOI request: 19-005.


Safe Work Australia does not possess documents in relation to Categories 1-3.

However, Safe Work Australia does collect some aggregated data that relates to Categories 1-2. However, this is not available at the industry level. The data is published in the Comparative Performance Monitoring Report: Part 2 - Work Health and Safety Compliance and Enforcement Activities (20th Edition, December 2018), which compares the number of workplace interventions, notices and legal proceedings across Australia and New Zealand.

19-00912 December 2019

Statistics from 2000–01 to 2016–17 for each state or territory:

1. that made up the Australian workers' compensation number of serious claims as noted in Table 15 [of Safe Work Australia’s Australian Workers’ Compensation Statistics 2016-17].

2. for the number of Employees covered for workers' compensation year of lodgement.

Spreadsheet providing the State and Territory/Jurisdiction level data in line with the national data included in Table 15 of the Australian Workers' Compensation Statistics 2016-17 report. The spreadsheet includes a separate tab/table for each jurisdiction as well as accompanying explanatory notes.

FOI 19-009 – State and territory workers' compensation statistics.

20-00125 February 2020All documents relating to the Safe Work Australia review of the workplace exposure limit for formaldehyde and proposed new workplace exposure limit, including notations in any diary and the names of the key people undertaking the review and peer review processes.FOI 20-001 - Schedule of Documents N/ADocument #39 in the schedule of documents may be accessed by contacting to arrange an inspection at Safe Work Australia’s offices.
20-00730 July 2020

1a. Accepted workers’ compensation claims data from the National Data Set for Compensation-Based Statistics (NDS) for meat workers from 2010/11 to 2018/19:

  • The number of claims per year;
  • The number of serious claims per year (an incapacity that results in total absence from work of one working week or more);
  • The median time lost from work for serious claims per year (or the range if median is not available); and 
  • The median compensation paid for serious claims per year (or the range if median is not available).

1b. A breakdown (where possible) of the 2018/19 accepted compensation claims data from the NDS for meat workers into:

  • Age groups;
  • Occupations (at least to Major Groups in the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations);
  • Details of injuries and diseases, as coded using the Type of Occurrence Classification System. Specifically, the: nature of injury or disease; bodily location of injury or disease; and the mechanisms of injury or disease.

2. The number of meat worker fatalities per year from 2003 to 2019, from Safe Work Australia’s Work-Related Traumatic Injury Fatalities database. Please include a breakdown (where possible) of the fatalities into:

  • Ages or age group;
  • Occupations (at least to Major Groups in the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations);
  • Location of fatality (State or Territory); and
  • Mechanism of incident (the overall action, exposure or event that describes the circumstances that resulted in a fatality, as per Table 1.6 in the 2018 fatalities data set download).
FOI 20-007 - Meat worker compensation and fatality statisticsN/AThe latest available data for workers’ compensation claims is preliminary data for 2017-18. The latest available data for work-related traumatic fatalities is from 2018. 
20-01020 November 2020All records relating to the creation of the document: Retail Work: Minimising the Risk of exposure to COVID-19 (updated 9 April), including but not limited to records of any correspondence, communication, meetings and advice exchanged between Safe Work Australia and any other parties concerning the changes made to the 6 April version of the document prior to the publication of the document.FOI 20-010 - Schedule of documents N/AN/A 
21-00113 April 2021

For each calendar year from 2016 to 2019, the first page that contains the completion date of Safe Work Australia’s first finalised:

Fraud risk assessment for the purposes of s 10(a) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014; and

Fraud/compliance audit implemented for the purposes of s 10(b) and (d) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014

FOI 21-001 - Schedule of documents N/AN/A 
21-0067 October 2021
  1. Safework Australia's submission document to the AWEI scheme;
  2. Data collated by the Safework Australia for provision to Pride in Diversity and AWEI scheme;
  3. Results of AWEI employee survey conducted by Safework Australia on Safework  Australia employees;
  4. Invoices paid to ACON and Pride in Diversity.
FOI 21-006 - Schedule of documents N/AN/A 
21-0077 October 2021
  1. Safework Australia's submission document to the AWEI scheme;
  2. Data collated by the Safework Australia for provision to Pride in Diversity and AWEI scheme;
  3. Results of AWEI employee survey conducted by Safework Australia on Safework  Australia employees;
  4. Invoices paid to ACON and Pride in Diversity.
FOI 21-007 - Schedule of documents N/AN/A 
22-0118 July 2022
  1. Any final request for tender, request for quote or request for information documents (however described) issued by Safe Work Australia which led to the engagement of either or both of the independent experts and the peer reviewer. 
  2. Copies of any documents with which the independent experts were briefed, including any briefing correspondence or memoranda and any other documents, reports, data or similar (however described) provided to them by Safe Work Australia. 
  3. Copies of any documents with which the peer reviewer was briefed, including any briefing correspondence or memoranda and any other documents, data or similar (however described) provided to them by Safe Work Australia. 
  4. To the extent not caught by categories 2 or 3 above, documents specifying any methodologies or practices to be applied by the independent and/or the peer reviewer in relation to the review of the WES as it relates to SMF. 
  5. Any recommendations, memoranda or similar (however described) provided to Safe Work Australia by either or both of the independent and/or the peer reviewer. 6. The WES and guidance notes current as at the date of this request.
FOI 22-011 - Schedule of DocumentsN/ASWA22/292
22-01210 August 2022
  1. The tender responses (however described) submitted to Safe Work Australia by either or both of the independent experts and/or the peer reviewer.  We do not require any pricing information to be included and is content for this material to be redacted
  2. Any draft reports, recommendations, memoranda or similar (however described) provided to Safe Work Australia by either or both of the independent experts and/or the peer reviewer.
  3. Any correspondence between Safe Work Australia and either or both of the independent experts and the peer reviewer, and any notes, minutes or other record of any meetings between the staff or members of Safe Work Australia and either or both of the independent experts and/or peer reviewer, in relation to the review of the WES as it relates to SMF.
  4. Any documents or correspondence between the staff of Safe Work Australia and Safe Work Australia's members, or between Safe Work Australia and any Federal, State or Territory Ministers, concerning:
    a.    the review of the WES as it relates to SMF; and/or
    b.    the draft or final reports, recommendations, memoranda or similar (however described) provided to Safe Work Australia by either or both of the independent experts and/or the peer reviewer.
FOI 22-012 - Schedule of DocumentsN/ASWA22/292
22-01920 December 2022Request for Safe Work Australia's estimates briefing back, including back pocket briefs for the 2022 October and November Budget EstimatesFOI 22-019 - Schedule of DocumentsN/ASWA22/777
23-00315 March 2023Request for Safe Work Australia's finalised estimates briefing pack, including an index of back pocket briefs, for the 2023 February Supplementary Budget EstimatesFOI 23-003 - Schedule of DocumentsN/ASWA23/168
23-00523 August 2023Minutes of Agenda Item 3 (Regulatory Scope Creep) from Safe Work Australia Members’ Meeting 27 – 1 October 2015, and documents and information in which Safe Work Australia has considered WHS laws, whether and to what extent these cover public safety and the issue of regulatory scope creep.FOI 23-005– Schedule of documentsN/A    SWA23/715
23-0079 November 2023A copy of the Decision Regulation Impact Statement on the prohibition on the use of engineered stone provided to the Commonwealth and state and territory WHS ministers on 16/8/23Decision Regulation Impact Statement: Prohibition on the use of engineered stoneN/A    SWA23/908
23-0089 November 2023
  • Any studies or reports that show Silica related diseases by profession (Stone Mason, Concreter etc)
  • Any studies or reports that show Silica related diseases by age groups
  • Any studies or reports that show Silica related diseases by industry
  • Any studies or reports that show Silica related diseases by location (factory vs construction site)
  • Any studies or reports that show Silica related diseases by state
  • Any studies or reports that show Silica exposure by profession (Stone Mason, Concreter etc)
  • Any studies or reports that show Silica exposure by industry 
FOI 23-008 – Schedule of DocumentsN/A  SWA23/946
24-00423 August 2024A copy of the Privacy Impact Assessment - Converlens consultation platform – completed 1 February 2024FOI 24-004 – Schedule of documents N/ASWA24/570
24-00720 December 2024
  1. Correspondence, letters, emails, and documents between Safework Australia CEO, Marie Boland and the Secretary of Department of Health (CTH), Blair Comley Relating to the following matters:
    • Diabetes Australia
    • Diabetes Australia Diabetes in Schools program
    • Type 1 Diabetes in schools
    • Type 1 Diabetes
    • Death of Lachlan Cook

Date Range:  1 July 2024 – 20 October 2024

  1. Correspondence, letters, emails, and documents between Safework Australia and the Department of Health (CTH) Relating to the following matters:
    • Diabetes Australia & Diabetes Australia Victoria
    • Diabetes Australia Diabetes in Schools program
    • Type 1 Diabetes in schools
    • Type 1 Diabetes
    • Death of Lachlan Cook

Date Range: 20 December 2023 and 20 October 2024

  1. Correspondence, letters, emails, and documents between Safework Australia and Worksafe Victoria

Relating to the following matters:

  • Diabetes Australia & Diabetes Australia Victoria
  • Diabetes Australia Diabetes in Schools program
  • Type 1 Diabetes in schools
  • Type 1 Diabetes
  • Death of Lachlan Cook
FOI 24-007 – Schedule of Documents N/ASWA24/939

Obtaining copies of documents in the table

Copies of any of the above documents by emailing or writing to Safe Work Australia’s Freedom of Information Officer at

Supporting Information

To find out more about Freedom of Information requests, please visit our FOI webpage.

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Further advice

SWA is not a regulator and cannot advise you about WHS issues in the workplace. If you need help please contact your state or territory work health and safety authority.