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Reporting suspected fraud to Safe Work Australia 

This online form enables you to confidentially report suspected fraud related to Safe Work Australia's legislated functions and activities

As a national policy body, we develop national policy to improve work health and safety (WHS) and workers' compensation arrangements across Australia. 

We can only respond to and investigate tip-offs which relate to our functions and activities.

Reporting suspected fraud to other entities

This form is not for reporting suspected fraud that is unrelated to our activities or functions.

Safe Work Australia does not regulate WHS laws or administer workers’ compensation arrangements—this is done by the Commonwealth and each of the states and territories.

If your tip-off relates to the regulation or enforcement of WHS laws (e.g. a WHS complaint at a workplace) or to a workers’ compensation claim, please contact your state or territory WHS regulator or workers’ compensation authority

For further details on where to report suspected fraud, visit the Commonwealth Fraud Prevention Centre website.


This is a secure online form to protect your privacy.

Completing this form

Please supply as much information as possible in the following sections to enable us to assess your concerns. You do not need to provide your personal details on the form. You can remain anonymous, but it may be helpful if we can contact you to ask for more information.

Details of the person or organisation you are reporting

(if known)

Details of the tip-off

Your details

You may choose to remain anonymous. If you decide to give us your name and contact details we will treat this in accordance with our privacy policy.

Privacy Notice

Safe Work Australia is subject to the Privacy Act 1988. Personal information is collected by Safe Work Australia in the course of conducting fraud investigations, assessments and other fraud control activities. The primary purpose of this collection is for the prevention, detection and response to fraud against Safe Work Australia and the Commonwealth. Safe Work Australia’s Privacy Policy is available from our website.


By submitting this form, you declare that you understand giving false or misleading information is a serious offence.

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Further advice

For further information about this form or reporting suspected fraud to Safe Work Australia, please contact