Model WHS Laws

We created the model WHS laws in 2011.

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Resources and Publications

We publish a wide range of resources covering many work health and safety topics.

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National Safe Work Month

We have delivered a National Safe Work Month campaign annually in October since 2009. National Safe Work Month aims to improve the wider community’s awareness and knowledge of WHS and workers’ compensation by providing access to a range of resources, provoking discussion and showcasing good work health and safety practice. 

The campaign encourages everyone to participate in activities which promote work health and safety during October.

National Safe Work Month page

2025 World Day for Safety and Health at Work and Workers’ Memorial Day

Monday 28 April 2025 is World Day for Safety and Health at Work (World Day) and Workers' Memorial Day.

In 2023, 200 workers in Australia died from traumatic injuries sustained during a work-related activity. This concerning statistic amplifies the importance of increasing awareness of preventative WHS measures.

The 2025 World Day theme explores the ‘impacts of digitalisation and artificial intelligence on workers’ health and safety’.
The International Trade Union Confederation’s accompanying theme for Workers’ Memorial Day is ‘the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and digitisation on occupational health and safety’.

We encourage everyone to recognise the importance of health and safety in the workplace by promoting World Day and Workers' Memorial Day on 28 April 2025. 

For more information and to download resources to recognise the day in your workplace, go to the

World Day for Safety and Health at Work and Workers’ Memorial Day web page.

Clean Air. Clear Lungs. Be Silica Smart campaign 

The Clean Air. Clear Lungs. Be Silica Smart campaign focuses on the specific hazard of silica dust and targets industries where workers are most at risk of exposure. The campaign will target workers in construction, manufacturing, stonemasonry, tunnelling, demolition, mining and quarrying. 

Be Silica Smart builds on the original Clean Air. Clear Lungs. campaign which ran in 2021 and focused more broadly on managing the risks of occupational lung diseases across priority industries. 

The campaign website is translated into 5 priority languages, Chinese, Arabic, Vietnamese, Korean and Hazaragi to ensure culturally and linguistically diverse audiences have access to information they need on silica dust. 

A central hub of information can be found on the campaign website with information available for workers, employers and consumers. The resources page includes links to relevant information on silica dust in each state and territory. 

The campaign will be complemented by a short burst of digital social advertising aimed to reach the culturally and linguistically diverse audience. 

Clean air. Clear lungs. Webpage

Food delivery workers campaign

In May 2023, we launched a national education and communication campaign for food delivery workers, Deliver yourself home safely. The campaign aims to increase knowledge and awareness of work health and safety (WHS) for food delivery workers as well as increase positive safety behaviours.

Research conducted on behalf of Safe Work Australia in 2022, showed that food delivery workers are unsure of the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders operating in the WHS space, including Safe Work Australia, WHS regulators, and workers' compensation authorities. One of the calls-to-action for the campaign is to contact your WHS regulator/Workers' compensation authority for information applicable to each state or territory.

The campaign has been translated into 6 languages: Mandarin, Punjabi, Nepali, Hindi, Vietnamese and Urdu and there are a range of resources available including posters, fact sheets, infographics, checklists and a campaign kit.

The Deliver yourself home safely campaign will run from 3 May to September 2023 and is complemented by targeted digital display and digital social advertising and culturally and linguistically diverse community and stakeholder engagement activities.

Deliver yourself home safely website.

Workers' compensation stigma

We launched an awareness campaign to increase understanding of workers’ compensation stigma, and what can be done to reduce it, in May 2023. 

Workers’ compensation provides an important safety net to support people who become ill or injured because of work. Workers’ compensation stigma occurs when there is discrimination against or stereotyping of a worker seeking workers’ compensation. It can prevent injured or ill workers from making a claim or impact their recovery.

As part of the campaign we developed new practical resources to help employers, supervisors and workers to reduce workers’ compensation stigma. The resources include fact sheets, case studies, posters and infographics. By understanding what workers’ compensation stigma is, where it can occur, and how to identify it, we can take action to reduce it.

To download the resources and find out more about about the campaign, go to the

Workers' compensation stigma page.

Occupational lung disease campaign 

In May 2021, we launched a national education and awareness campaign for occupational lung diseases. The campaign focuses on micro and small to medium businesses in the key industries of manufacturing, construction, agriculture and engineered stone workers. The campaign ran through to the end of 2021. 

Occupational lung diseases campaign page.  

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Further advice

SWA is not a regulator and cannot advise you about WHS issues in the workplace. If you need help please contact your state or territory work health and safety authority.