The Commonwealth, Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory and Queensland implemented the model WHS laws in their jurisdiction on 1 January 2012. South Australia and Tasmania implemented the model WHS laws on 1 January 2013. On 10 November 2020, Western Australia passed a version of the model laws, which became operational on 31 March 2022. Victoria is the only jurisdiction who has not implemented the model WHS laws.
In jurisdictions where the model laws have been implemented, each state and territory are expected to make variations to ensure the laws operate effectively in their jurisdictions. In some instances, states and territories have also made more substantial variations. This is why it is important to make sure you always consider the WHS laws that apply in your state or territory.
Information about jurisdictional WHS regulators, their WHS laws and who to contact is listed below.
Jurisdictional WHS and workers' compensation contacts
Contact information for SafeWork NSW and other regulators in NSW
WHS contact
SafeWork NSW
SafeWork NSW is the state’s workplace health and safety regulator (with the exception of mines and petroleum sites). SafeWork NSW:
- offers advice on improving work health and safety
- provides licensing and registration for potentially dangerous work
- provides testing services
- investigates workplace incidents
- provides information on electrical work
- enforces work health and safety laws in NSW
Contact details
Phone: 13 10 50 8:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday
NSW Resources Regulator
The NSW Resources Regulator is the state’s work health and safety regulator for mines and petroleum sites. This includes open-cut and underground mines, petroleum sites, quarries and extractive operations, tourist mines, opal and other small-scale mines and mining exploration activities.
The Regulator:
- reviews complaints, safety incident notifications and requests from interested parties
- offers information and guidance about safety and other regulatory obligations to protect and support industry, workers, the community and the state
- undertakes inspections and investigations
- reviews licensing and registration applications
- considers grant applications for occupational licences (practising certificates and certificates of competence)
- takes actions such as issuing prohibition and other statutory notices and taking prosecution action
- supports and administers the NSW Mine Safety Advisory Council and NSW Mining and Petroleum Competence Board
- administers the mine and petroleum site safety fund (mine safety levy)
Contact details
Phone: 1300 814 609
Workers' Compensation contact
State Insurance Regulatory Authority
The State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) is the NSW government agency responsible for regulating workers and home building compensation insurance and motor accidents compulsory third party (CTP) insurance.
Contact details
Phone: 13 74 72
Electricity Regulators
NSW Government – Planning and Environment – Energy, Water and Portfolio Strategy
For electrical safety and regulatory matters in NSW.
Contact details
Phone: 13 77 88 (Service NSW)
Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal NSW (IPART)
IPART is the NSW government agency licence administrator of energy and scheme administrator and regulator for the Energy Savings Scheme.
Contact details
Phone: (02) 9290 8400
NSW Fair Trading
Electrical Safety and licensing in NSW.
Contact details
Phone: 13 32 20
Contact information for WorkSafe Victoria and other regulators in Victoria
WHS contact
Workers' Compensation contact
WorkSafe Victoria
WorkSafe Victoria's responsibilities include:
- help avoid workplace injuries occurring
- enforce Victoria's occupational health and safety laws
- provide reasonably priced workplace injury insurance for employers
- help injured workers back into the workforce
- manage the workers' compensation scheme by ensuring the prompt delivery of appropriate services and adopting prudent financial practices.
Contact details
Phone: 1800 136 089 or (03) 9641 1444
Electricity Regulators
Energy Safe Victoria
In Victoria, regulations covering electrical equipment safety and efficiency are administered by Energy Safe Victoria (ESV). The key functions of ESV include:
- overseeing the design, construction and maintenance of electricity, gas and pipeline networks
- licensing and registering electricians, and
- issuing and auditing Certificates of Electrical Safety.
Contact details
Email: (general) or (licensing)
Phone: 1800 800 158 or 03 9203 9700 (general) or 1800 815 721 (licensing)
Contact information for Workplace Health and Safety Queensland and other regulators in Queensland
WHS contact
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland - Office of Industrial Relations
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ) - Office of Industrial Relations is responsible for improving work health and safety in Queensland and helping reduce the risk of workers being killed or injured on the job.
It is WHSQ's role to:
- enforce work health and safety laws
- investigate workplace fatalities and serious injuries
- prosecute breaches of legislation
- educate employees and employers on their legal obligations.
Contact details
Online enquiries form
Phone: 1300 362 128
Workers' Compensation contact
WorkCover Queensland
WorkCover Queensland is a statutory body which provides and manages workers’ compensation insurance for Queensland employers and their workers. WorkCover Queensland is self-funding and operates as an independent, commercial enterprise even though they are owned by the Queensland Government.
WorkCover Queensland is the main provider of workers’ compensation insurance in Queensland.
Contact details
General enquiries contact form
Phone: 1300 651 387
Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing, and Regional and Rural Development (NRMMRRD)
The NRMMRRD provides support for the safety and health of all Queensland miners and people working in allied industries. The department administers associated regulations and recognised standards, guidelines and codes of practice related to mining and petroleum, and energy regulation including for electricity and licensing.
Contact details
Phone: 13 74 68
Electricity Regulators
Electrical Safety Office - Office of Industrial Relations
The Electrical Safety Office (ESO) has a primary responsibility for delivery of electrical safety services in Queensland. The ESO develops and enforces standards for electrical safety and promotes strategies for improved electrical safety performance across the community. The office facilitates socially responsible and safe electrical industry practices.
Contact details
Phone: 1300 362 128
Contact information for SafeWork SA, ReturnToWorkSA and other regulators in South Australia
WHS contact
SafeWork SA
SafeWork SA is responsible for providing work health and safety, public safety and state-based industrial relations services across South Australia.
As a regulator, their inspectors ensure work health and safety and public safety standards are met and appropriate action is taken when breaches of laws are detected.
SafeWork SA also help people better understand their work health and safety responsibilities. Work Health and Safety Advisors provide businesses, workers, health and safety representatives and industry with free information, support and practical advice tailored to suit the workplace's industry, size, risk and complexity.
In South Australia electrical safety is administered by the Office of the Technical Regulator.
Contact details
Phone: 1300 365 255
Workers' Compensation contact
ReturnToWorkSA manages the South Australian Return to Work scheme which provides work injury insurance cover for around 50,000 employers protecting approximately 500 000 workers, including private and crown self-insured employers.
ReturnToWorkSA’s work injury insurance protects business owners from the full cost of work injuries, and provides financial support to cover worker wages, reasonable medical treatment and return to work services to people who have been injured so they can recover and return to work as soon as possible.
Contact details
Phone: 13 18 55 (within Australia) +61 8 8233 2343 (outside Australia)
Electricity Regulators
Office of the Technical Regulator
The Office of the Technical Regulator is responsible for the electrical, gas and plumbing safety and technical regulation in South Australia.
Contact details
Phone: (08) 8226 5500
Contact information for WorkSafe WA, WorkCover WA and other regulators in Western Australia
WHS contact
WorkSafe WA
WorkSafe WA is part of the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety and is the Western Australian Government agency supporting the WorkSafe Commissioner in administering the Work Health and Safety Act 2020. WorkSafe is the regulator for the general industries, mining and petroleum sectors. WorkSafe WA aims to reduce workplace fatalities and injury and disease rates in accordance with national targets, by:
- reducing high incidence/severity risks
- improving the capacity of business operators and workers to manage occupational safety and health effectively
- preventing occupational disease more effectively
- eliminating hazards at the design stage
- strengthening the capacity of government to influence occupational safety and health outcomes.
Contact details
Phone: 1300 307 877 (within Western Australia)
Workers' Compensation contact
WorkCover WA
WorkCover WA is the authority overseeing the workers’ compensation and injury management scheme in Western Australia, WorkCover ensures the scheme operates fairly and efficiently for all stakeholders, from injured workers to employers, insurers, health professionals and legal representatives.
WorkCover monitors compliance with the Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 and informing and educating all stakeholders about workers’ compensation and injury management rights and obligations as well as providing an independent dispute resolution system.
Contact details
Phone: (08) 9388 5555
Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
The Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety is responsible for safety regulation for mining, petroleum and dangerous goods in Western Australia.
Contact details
Phone: (08) 9222 3333
Electricity Regulators
Building and Energy Western Australia
Building and Energy is responsible for the technical and safety regulation of all the electrical and most of the gas industry in Western Australia.
Contact details
Phone: 1300 489 099
Contact information for WorkSafe Tasmania and other regulators in Tasmania
WHS contact
Workers' Compensation contact
WorkSafe Tasmania
WorkSafe Tasmania’s primary role is to improve workplace safety, health and return to work. It administers the laws that regulate work health and safety, workers compensation, occupational licensing, asbestos compensation, dangerous goods, and more.
WorkSafe Tasmania also investigates workplace incidents, audits workplaces for compliance with legislation, promotes safer and healthier workplaces, promotes prompt and effective return to work, and more.
Contact details
Phone: (03) 6166 4600 (outside Tasmania) or 1300 366 322 (within Tasmania)
Electricity Regulators
Consumer, Building and Occupational Services (CBOS) - Energy Standards and Safety
Consumer, Building and Occupational Services administers electrical safety legislation, inspections, auditing, investigations, information, licensing, standards, equipment and notifications.
Contact details
Phone: 1300 654 499
Contact information for NT WorkSafe
WHS contact
Workers' Compensation contact
NT WorkSafe
NT WorkSafe is the administrative and regulatory arm of the Northern Territory Work Health Authority, the statutory body established under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011. NT WorkSafe is responsible for the Territory-wide regulation of:
- workplace health and safety
- electrical safety laws, licensing, equipment safety, notification requirements and inspections
- dangerous goods
- rehabilitation and workers' compensation
Contact details
Phone: 1800 019 115
Contact information for WorkSafe ACT and other regulators in the ACT
WHS contact
Workers' Compensation contact
WorkSafe ACT
WorkSafe ACT's work involves:
- education
- compliance
- inspectors
- workers’ compensation
- dangerous substances
- policy and legislation
Contact details
Phone: 13 22 81
Electricity Regulators
Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate
Electrical safety including licensing, inspections and certificates in ACT.
Contact details
Phone: (02) 6207 1923
Contact information for Comcare and other Commonwealth regulators
Australian Maritime Safety Authority
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) regulates and provides maritime safety, marine environment protection and pollution response and maritime and aviation search and rescue services to the Australian maritime industry.
Contact details
Phone: (02) 6279 5000 or 1800 641 792 (maritime emergency) or 1800 815 257 (aviation emergency)
General enquiries 1800 627 484 (within Australia) +61 2 6279 5000 (outside Australia)
Civil Aviation Safety Authority
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority's (CASA) primary function is the safety regulation of civil air operations in Australia and the operation of Australian aircraft overseas. CASA also provides comprehensive safety education and training programs.
Contact details
Phone: 131 757 or 1800 074 737 (CASA hotline to report safety risks)
Workers' Compensation contact
Comcare works in partnership with employees and employers to reduce the human and financial costs of workplace injuries and disease in the Commonwealth jurisdiction.
The Comcare scheme provides rehabilitation and workers' compensation and occupational health and safety arrangements for Australian Government employees and for the employees of organisations which self-insure under the scheme.
Contact details
Phone: 1300 366 979
Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme
Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS) is the Australian Government regulator of industrial chemicals. AICIS is responsible for:
• providing a national notification and assessment scheme to protect the health of the public, workers and the environment from the harmful effect of industrial chemicals
• assessing all chemicals new to Australia and those chemicals already used (existing chemicals) on a priority basis, in response to concerns about their safety on health and environmental grounds.
Contact details
Phone: (02) 8577 8800 or 1800 638 528
National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority
The National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) is a Commonwealth statutory agency regulating the health and safety, structural integrity, and environmental management of all offshore petroleum facilities in Commonwealth waters, and in coastal waters where state powers have been conferred.
Contact details
Phone: 1300 674 472 (incident notification) or (08) 6188 8700 (general enquiries)
Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority
The Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority (Seacare) is a national scheme of occupational health and safety (OHS), rehabilitation and workers’ compensation arrangements which applies to defined seafaring employees and defined third parties in relation to OHS.
Contact details
Phone: (02) 6275 0070