Contacts New South Wales

SafeWork NSW 

SafeWork NSW is the state’s workplace health and safety regulator (with the exception of mines and petroleum sites). SafeWork NSW: 

  • offers advice on improving work health and safety 
  • provides licensing and registration for potentially dangerous work 
  • provides testing services 
  • investigates workplace incidents 
  • provides information on electrical work 
  • enforces work health and safety laws in NSW 

Contact details 

Phone: 13 10 50 8:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday 

Enquiry Form 

NSW Resources Regulator 

The NSW Resources Regulator is the state’s work health and safety regulator for mines and petroleum sites. This includes open-cut and underground mines, petroleum sites, quarries and extractive operations, tourist mines, opal and other small-scale mines and mining exploration activities. 

The Regulator: 

  • reviews complaints, safety incident notifications and requests from interested parties 
  • offers information and guidance about safety and other regulatory obligations to protect and support industry, workers, the community and the state 
  • undertakes inspections and investigations 
  • reviews licensing and registration applications 
  • considers grant applications for occupational licences (practising certificates and certificates of competence) 
  • takes actions such as issuing prohibition and other statutory notices and taking prosecution action 
  • supports and administers the NSW Mine Safety Advisory Council and NSW Mining and Petroleum Competence Board 
  • administers the mine and petroleum site safety fund (mine safety levy) 

Contact details 

Phone: 1300 814 609 

State Insurance Regulatory Authority 

The State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) is the NSW government agency responsible for regulating workers and home building compensation insurance and motor accidents compulsory third party (CTP) insurance. 

Contact details 


Phone: 13 74 72  

Electricity Regulators 

NSW Government – Planning and Environment – Energy, Water and Portfolio Strategy 

For electrical safety and regulatory matters in NSW. 

Contact details 

Phone: 13 77 88 (Service NSW) 

Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal NSW (IPART) 

IPART is the NSW government agency licence administrator of energy and scheme administrator and regulator for the Energy Savings Scheme. 

Contact details 

Phone: (02) 9290 8400 

NSW Fair Trading 

Electrical Safety and licensing in NSW. 

Contact details 

Phone: 13 32 20