Decision regulation impact statement for managing risks associated with lead in the workplace: Blood lead removal levels and workplace exposure standard


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This Decision Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) is the result of Safe Work Australia’s review of the current toxicological information and overseas trends in the regulation of lead in the workplace. It examines options to reduce the adverse health outcomes caused by exposure to lead in the workplace.

In line with international standards and current Australian research, this Decision RIS presents a preferred option of lowering the blood lead removal levels and maximum permissible airborne concentration of lead to afford greater protection to workers who may be exposed to lead at the workplace.

A majority of state, territory and Commonwealth Ministers responsible for work health and safety support implementation of the preferred options in the Decision RIS through model work health and safety legislation.

Office of Best Practice Regulation confirmed the Decision RIS meets COAG best practice regulation requirements.

Publication Date:

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Regulatory impact statement


Hazardous chemicals
Managing health and safety
The work environment
Workplace exposure standards for chemicals