Health monitoring for organophosphate pesticides
This guide helps doctors to monitor the health of workers exposed to organophosphate pesticides.
Organophosphate (OPs) insecticides are widely used on a large variety of crops. Examples of work activities involving OPs include:
- pest control operators who use OPs in their work
- manufacture, formulation and packaging
- transport, storage and distribution
- handling used containers, for example in scrap recovery
- agricultural and horticultural activities like mixing, loading and applications where direct handling of the chemical occurs
- animal health treatments like cattle and sheep dipping
- seasonal field workers exposed to pesticide residues
- laboratory workers undertaking research on OPs
This guide is part of a health monitoring guide collection.
There are health monitoring guides for:
- persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU)
- registered medical practitioners
- hazardous chemicals.
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