This guide helps doctors monitor the health of workers exposed to trichloroethylene.
Trichloroethylene is a non-flammable chlorinated solvent used as a metal degreaser and electrical equipment cleaner. We also use it in glues, water-proofing agents, paint strippers and carpet shampoo.
The main uses of trichloroethylene are:
vapour degreasing and cold cleaning of metal parts
industrial dry cleaning
printing and making printing ink
solvent for greases, oils, fats, waxes and tars
making paint
to scour cotton, wool and other fabrics (removes oils and lubricants) and in waterless dyeing and finishing
to make other chemicals, such as refrigerants
making products like paint removers and strippers, glues, stain removers and rug cleaning fluids
as a solvent and cleaning product.
This guide is part of a health monitoring guide collection.
There are also health monitoring guides for:
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