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The agriculture industry is one of seven industry groups identified as a national priority in the Australia Work Health and Safety Strategy 2012-22.


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Work health and safety in the agriculture industry presents unique challenges. While other industries share similar hazards, such as plant, chemicals, noise, dust, sun exposure and working with animals, the combination of hazards including report and isolated work, makes this industry one of the most dangerous in which to work.

Data from the infograph

Average of 41 workers killed each year in the agriculture industry (2005 to 2014)

Incident Percentage
Worker deaths involved a vehicle 75%
Workers killed in a single vehicle incident 67%
Workers killed while mustering 7%
Fatalities occurred on a farm 85%

Average of 2980 serious claims in the agriculture industry per year (2004–05 to 2013–14)

Incident Percentage
Serious claims due to vehicle incidents 7%
Serious claims due to falls from a height 11%
Serious claims due to muscular stress while handling objects 12%
Serious claims due to being hit by an animal 10%

Supporting information

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Fatality statistics
Workers' compensation

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Further Advice

SWA is not a regulator and cannot advise you about WHS issues in the workplace. If you need help please contact your state or territory work health and safety authority.