The most valuable package is YOU - Animation

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[Music plays and an animation image appears of a factory and city]

[Animation image continues to move to the right to show cars and a delivery rider on a bike riding along the street, and text appears: You have the right to be safe at work]

[Animation image changes to show a distance between the bike rider and the cars and a tick symbol appears above them]

[Animation image changes to show a delivery rider handing a male his food delivery and a smiley face symbol appears in a conversation symbol between them, and a tick appears above them]

[Animation image changes to show the female delivery rider sitting down on a park bench having a drink and something to eat, and a tick symbol appears above her]

[Animation image changes to show the female delivery driver placing her bike helmet on her head]

[Animation image changes to show a delivery rider riding along the street]

[Animation image changes to show the GPS route the delivery rider takes to a house]

[Animation image changes to show a worker riding up to a house, and text appears: Deliver yourself home safely, The most valuable package is you]

[Animation image shows a phone, Smartphone, and laptop symbol appearing, and new text appears underneath: Talk to your work health and safety regulator for guidance,, #deliversafely]

Supporting information

Further advice

SWA is not a regulator and cannot advise you about managing risks in your workplace. If you need help, please contact your state or territory work health and safety authority.

Publication Date
Document type
Video and audio
Tag by Industry & Business
Delivery drivers