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Reduce work-related fatalities

  • 1. A reduction in the number of worker fatalities caused by traumatic injuries of at least 30 per cent

    The Strategy sets a target to maintain the rate of progress that was achieved under the previous strategy. Deaths due to occupational disease will also be monitored closely.

Reduce work-related severe injury or illness

  • 2. A reduction in the frequency rate of serious claims resulting in one or more weeks off work of at least 20 per cent

    While the frequency rate for serious claims has reduced over time, progress has slowed. The Strategy sets a target to renew efforts to reduce serious injury and illness. 

  • 3. A reduction in the frequency rate of permanent impairment by 15 per cent

    The Strategy includes a new target focused on injuries and illness that are permanent or unlikely to improve.

  • 4. A reduction of the overall incidence of work‑related injury or illness among workers to below 3.5 per cent

    Not all work related injuries result in a workers’ compensation claim. The Strategy includes a new target to reduce all instances of work-related injury and illness, not just those that result in serious claims.

  • 5. No new cases of accelerated silicosis by 2033

    The rapid re-emergence of accelerated silicosis, particularly among those working with engineered stone, is of significant concern. Safe Work Australia and jurisdictional regulators continue work on a broad range of education measures and compliance and enforcement activities – a commitment to work towards no new cases of accelerated silicosis will continue this momentum.

  • 6. A reduction in the frequency rate of work‑related respiratory disease by 20 per cent

    Accelerated silicosis has been an important focus in recent years, but this has also highlighted the need to better manage the occupational risks to lung health more broadly.

Increase preventative action in key areas

  • 7. All Safe Work Australia Members take action to increase the awareness of PCBUs about their duty to protect workers from exposure to harmful substances coinciding with the introduction of new workplace exposure standards 

    A list of updated workplace exposure standards applying to over 600 chemicals will be implemented during the course of the strategy. Increasing the awareness of PCBUs of their duty to protect workers from exposure to harmful substances will support strong compliance with regulatory standards to keep workers safe.

  • 8. All Safe Work Australia Members take action to build the capability of PCBUs, regulators and workers to strengthen compliance with the duty to manage psychosocial risks at work

    WHS laws throughout Australia are being updated to include express regulations on psychosocial hazards. Building the capability of PCBUs is critical to ensuring improved understanding and management of psychosocial hazards in all Australian workplaces. More effective reporting on psychosocial hazards and psychological injuries is also a priority for the next decade.

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Further advice

SWA is not a regulator and cannot advise you about WHS issues in the workplace. If you need help please contact your state or territory work health and safety authority.