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Table: Agencies responsible for overseeing workers’ compensation in each jurisdiction





Current legislation


New South Wales

State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA)

Insurers subject to SIRA oversight

Nominal Insurer for most employees through 3 private sector Scheme Agents, Self-Insurance Corporation for most public sector employees through 3 private sector claims administrators, 58 self-insurers and 6 specialised insurers.

Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998


Workers Compensation Act 1987


Workers Compensation Commission

Workers Compensation Independent Review Office


WorkSafe Victoria

WorkSafe Victoria

4 private sector agents and 34 self-insurers. Further information regarding WorkSafe agents and self-insurers are available on WorkSafe Victoria's website.

Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013

WorkSafe Victoria
Accident Compensation Conciliation Service (ACCS),
Medical Panels
Magistrates’ or County Court


Office of Industrial Relations

WorkCover Queensland

WorkCover Queensland and 28 self-insurers

Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003

Workers’ Compensation Regulator

Queensland Industrial Relations Commission or Industrial Magistrate, Industrial Court

Western Australia

WorkCover WA

Insurers subject to WorkCover WA oversight

8 private sector insurers, 23 self-insurers, (exempt employers) and the Insurance Commission of Western Australia

Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981

Conciliation and Arbitration Services

South Australia



2 private sector agents, 70 private self-insurers and 54 Crown (State Government) self-insurers

Return to Work Act 2014

Return to Work Corporation of South Australia Act 1994

South Australian Employment Tribunal Act 2014

South Australian Employment Tribunal

Supreme Court

ReturnToWorkSA Premium Review Panel


WorkSafe Tasmania

Licensed private sector insurers subject to WorkCover Tas oversight

7 private sector insurers and 9 self-insurers

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988

Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, Supreme Court

Northern Territory

Department of Attorney General and Justice

NT WorkSafe

Private sector insurers

4 private sector insurers

5 self-insurers and the Northern Territory Government self-insures for public sector employees

Nominal Insurer


Return to Work Act 1986

Return to Work Regulations 1986

Mediation coordinated by NT WorkSafe.

Work Health Court

Australian Capital Territory

Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate

Licensed private sector insurers, subject to WorkSafe ACT oversight

7 private sector insurers and 7 self-insurers

Workers Compensation Act 1951

Conciliation, arbitration, Magistrates Court, Supreme Court

C’wealth Comcare

Attorney-General’s Department


Comcare/Self-insurers and their agents.

Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988

AAT, Federal Court

C’wealth Seacare

Attorney-General’s Department

Private sector insurers

Employers/ insurers

Seafarers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1992

AAT, Federal Court

C’wealth DVA

Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission (MRCC)



Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Defence-related Claims) Act 1988 (DRCA)

Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA)

AATFederal CourtVeterans' Review Board (VRB)

New Zealand

Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (former) Department of Labour

Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)


Accident Compensation Act 2001

ACC, mediation, independent reviewers, court system