Work-related traumatic injury fatalities Australia 2020
This report provides national statistics on all workers and bystanders fatally injured at work.
Work-related traumatic injury fatalities Australia 2020 report provides national statistics on all workers and bystanders fatally injured at work. This report does not include fatalities that occurred while the worker was commuting to or from work (commuter fatalities).
See further aggregated data from the Work-related Traumatic Injury Fatalities data set over the period of 2003–2020 in the Work-related Traumatic Injury Fatality Time Series. See explanatory notes on the data for this publication in the explanatory notes for the Traumatic Injury Fatalities database.
2020 statistics should be considered in the broader context of the COVID-19 pandemic when comparing data over previous periods. The potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on this data are explored in the COVID-19 and Safe Work Australia data report.
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