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In Week 3 of National Safe Work Month, we unpack risk management fundamentals, a key component of the WHS fundamentals covered in Week 1.

Safety doesn’t happen by chance or guesswork. Safety is everyone’s business, and employers have a legal duty to manage health and safety risks to keep workers and other people (e.g. visitors) safe. Risk management is integral to a safe and healthy workplace.

Proactive risk management requires employers to:

•    assess and control workplace hazards and risks 
•    genuinely consult with workers, and
•    monitor and review control measures.

This week we look at the steps required to complete a WHS risk assessment, and what things you need to consider at each step. 

It’s important to remember that hazards can be physical or psychological and the same risk assessment process applies to both. 

By doing risk management well, genuinely consulting, and by training and supporting your workers (all part of the WHS fundamentals), you are ensuring a healthy and safe environment for everyone.

Safety is everyone’s business!

Click here for more information about National Safe Work Month and risk management.

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