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Know your duties - a tool for working safely
This tool provides information about duties under the model WHS laws, including duties for PCBUs and workers in the agriculture industry, how to meet these duties, and hazards you may face working in agriculture.
Slips, trips and falls result in tens of thousands of injuries every year in Australian workplaces.
This infosheet has information about managing the risks of slips, trips and falls.
Supporting information
Managing the risk of falls
Our 2018-19 annual report informs Parliament, ministers, governments and the community about our performance in delivering improvements to key work health and safety and workers' compensation arrangements across Australia. Our annual reports are published…
Our 2019-20 annual report informs Parliament, ministers, governments and the community about our performance in delivering improvements to key work health and safety and workers' compensation arrangements across Australia. Our annual reports are published…
Our 2020-21 annual report informs Parliament, ministers, governments and the community about our performance in delivering improvements to key work health and safety and workers' compensation arrangements across Australia. Our annual reports are published…
The first step in the risk management process is to identify the hazards. Your workers may talk about their exposure to psychosocial hazards in different ways. This infographic can help you think about how your workers might describe psychosocial hazards.
This infographic shows how to apply the four-step risk management process to manage psychosocial hazards.
Under the model WHS laws, a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), such as an employer, must eliminate or minimise psychosocial risks…
Safe Work Australia is committed to the health and wellbeing of our employees. The Agency’s Mental Health Strategy 2022–2024 empowers our people to work together to build a safe, inclusive workplace culture and effective systems to preventing harm and…
The Audit Committee Charter sets out the role and responsibilities of the Committee, including its objective, authority, membership, functions, reporting and administrative arrangements.
These templates include examples of:
an HSC constitution
an HSC agenda
an HSC minutes
Note: these templates should be considered in conjunction with the information contained in Worker Representation and Participation Guide.