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Know your duties - a tool for working safely
This tool provides information about duties under the model WHS laws, including duties for PCBUs and workers in the agriculture industry, how to meet these duties, and hazards you may face working in agriculture.
The role and influence a person has in a business determines if they are an ‘officer’ under WHS laws. This is different for each person and each business.
Agencies subject to the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 are required to make publicly available records of the legal services expenditure each year.
This summary identifies the key topics and issues raised during the public consultation process for the 2018 review of the model work health and safety laws.
This guide provides information on how the model work health and safety (WHS) laws apply to volunteers. It outlines how volunteers can meet their work health and safety duties and explains what volunteers can expect from the organisations…
The model Work Health and Safety (Blood Lead Removal Levels) amended Regulations 2018 – model provisions amends:
R394 Meaning of lead risk work
R407 Frequency of biological monitoring
R415 Removal…
This decision regulation impact statement (RIS):
analyses the likely impact of implementing the proposed model Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act
takes into account submissions from…
Agencies subject to the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 are required to make publicly available records of the legal services expenditure each year.