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Stronger regulation of crystalline silica substances

From 1 September 2024, the stronger regulation of all crystalline silica substances is in effect.

Learn more in the Working with crystalline silica substances: Guidance for PCBUs and supporting resources.

Following a health-based review of the WES for RCS, the 8 hour time weighted average workplace exposure standard (WES) for respirable crystalline silica was recommended to be reduced from 0.1 mg/m3 to 0.02 mg/m3 to minimise the risk of silicosis and lung cancer.

However, submissions to the public consultation for the WES review raised concerns that a WES of 0.02 mg/m3 would be difficult to measure and enforce. 

In 2019, WHS ministers agreed to lower the WES for RCS to 0.05 mg/m3 with implementation in all jurisdictions as soon as practicable, pending further review of the measurability concerns. 

Safe Work Australia investigated the measurability concerns for an 8 hour time weighted average WES for RCS of 0.02 mg/m3, as well as the option of a short term exposure limit (STEL). 

The report into measuring airborne concentrations of RCS found that there was uncertainty in measuring 0.02 mg/m3 with the current sampling and analysis equipment available in Australia. This was due to multiple reasons including sampling error, analytical uncertainty and laboratory reporting and performance. This report recommended that more work be done on measurement standards and laboratory techniques in Australia before the WES for RCS is reduced to 0.02 mg/m3. The full report is available at Measuring respirable crystalline silica.

The report into adding a STEL for RCS did not recommend a STEL if the 8 hour time weighted average WES is 0.05 mg/m3. The report stated that any exposure above 0.05 mg/m3, even for short periods of time, is not recommended and that a STEL would only provide additional protection when used in combination with a WES of 8 hour time weighted average of 0.02 mg/m3. The full report is available at Short Term Exposure Limit for Respirable Crystalline Silica.

Safe Work Australia continues to monitor developments in the measurement of RCS to inform future reviews of the WES.

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SWA is not a regulator and cannot advise you about WHS issues in the workplace. If you need help please contact your state or territory work health and safety authority.