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Hierarchy of controls  

The hierarchy of control measures requires that you first aim to eliminate a risk. If it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate a risk, you must minimise the risk. Use one or more of the following approaches: 

  • Substitute the hazard with something safer. For example, use mechanical aids to assist in the preparation of food 
  • Isolate the hazard. For example, store equipment correctly and/or use physical barriers to separate workers from trip hazards, and  
  • Use engineering control measures, such as guards around machines and hot surfaces.  

 If risks remain, you must minimise them as much as possible by applying administrative control measures. This may include: 

  • having cleaning procedures in place to reduce the risk of slips, trips and falls 
  • planning work times so that, where possible, workers are not working alone 
  • providing training on your workplace’s safe work procedures, including safe use of any machinery. 

Young workers and those new to the workplace must be supervised where required to prevent unsafe work practices. Supervisors should be available to answer questions and provide guidance.  

 Any remaining risks must be minimised with suitable personal protective equipment (PPE). For example, ensure workers wear covered shoes in food preparation areas, and gloves and eye protection if dealing with cleaning chemicals.  


Common hazards in the food services industry include: 

Examples of control measures for common hazards and risks in the food services industry are listed below. You must put control measures in place that are specific to the hazards at your workplace. Potential hazards and control measures are not limited to what is outlined below.  

Hazard: Manual handling  

Control measures: 

  • change the design or layout of work areas to eliminate or minimise manual handling 
  • ensure workspace heights are appropriate to reduce the need for awkward postures 
  • redesign tasks to minimise manual handling. For example, by using mechanical aids  
  • rotate manual handling tasks between workers to reduce the strain from repetitive movements  
  • provide training on correct manual handling procedures.  

For more information, see the model Code of Practice: Hazardous manual tasks

Hazard: Slips, trips and falls 

Control measures: 

  • maintain floors and surfaces and repair any damage  
  • provide non-slip mats 
  • use warning signs to warn workers of wet or potentially slippery floors and surfaces 
  • ensure equipment is stored and used correctly 
  • ensure floors and surfaces are kept clean and dry 
  • ensure staff have non-slip footwear. 

Risk: Burns, fires and cuts 

Control measures: 

  • design the work area to allow work areas to be away from heat surfaces where possible 
  • use long handled baskets and automatic food lowering devices for deep fryers 
  • use warning signs for hot equipment, surfaces and substances  
  • ensure workers are suitably trained to use the equipment safely  
  • ensure all machines and equipment are used correctly and properly maintained.  
  • have emergency plans prepared, including what to do in the event of a fire  
  • ensure first aid officers are identifiable and the first aid equipment is easily accessible 
  • ensure appropriate enclosed footwear is worn and suitable PPE is provided. 

Hazard: Work-related violence, aggression, harassment and bullying 

Control measures: 

  • manage expectations of customers and provide sufficient staff at peak times 
  • ensure access to the premises is appropriately controlled 
  • ensure internal and external lighting provides good visibility  
  • limit the amount of cash and valuables held on the premises  
  • ensure there are no dangerous objects that could be thrown or used to injure someone  
  • avoid workers needing to work alone. Where workers must be alone, ensure they are able to call for assistance if required.  
  • put up signs to reflect that the workplace will not accept any forms of violence or aggression 
  • train workers in how to deal with difficult customers. For example, training on:  
  • conflict resolution 
  • when to escalate issues to senior staff, and  
  • procedures for reporting incidents 
  • provide a positive, respectful work culture. Violence, aggression harassment and bullying by other workers should not be tolerated. 

For more information, see the Work-related violence web page and Bullying web page. 

Risk: Psychosocial harm  

Control measures: 

  • clearly define workers’ roles  
  • provide workers with the resources, information and training they need to carry out their work safely 
  • regularly review workloads and time pressures with workers 
  • check in with workers. Ask them if anything is stressing them and how it can be addressed  
  • support workers who may be more at risk of workplace psychological injury 
  • provide workers with a point of contact to discuss their concerns 
  • foster a positive, respectful work culture where bullying is not tolerated  
  • refer workers to mental health and wellbeing support services, such as employee assistance programs. 

For more information, see the Model Code of Practice: Managing psychosocial hazards at work.  

Risk management is an ongoing process. You must review control measures regularly to make sure they remain effective.  

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Further Advice

SWA is not a regulator and cannot advise you about WHS issues in the workplace. If you need help please contact your state or territory work health and safety authority.