Guide for major hazard facilities – Emergency plans


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This guide gives major hazard facility (MHF) operators information on how to write, put in place and test an emergency plan for their MHF. The regulator will ask for this when MHF operators apply for an MHF license. 

An emergency plan limits the effect of a major incident that could happen to a facility, on-site or off-site. It will also help limit and control the effects of a major incident on property and the environment.  

This guide provides information for MHF operators on: 

  • why an emergency plan is needed  

  • what is most important when putting an emergency plan in place 

  • how to deal with issues when writing an emergency plan 

  • how to write an emergency plan 

  • how to manage their emergency plan. 

This is one of 9 guides to help MHF operators understand Chapter 9 – Major hazard facilities in the model WHS Regulations. 

Supporting information 

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Hazardous chemicals
Safety by industry and business
Emergency plans and procedures
Major hazard facilities