Guide for major hazard facilities – Information, training and instruction for workers and other persons at the facility


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This guide helps MHF operators make sure they give workers the necessary information, training and instructions to allow them to work safely at an major hazard facility (MHF). 

This guide will help with the operator’s duty to let workers know: 

  • what major incidents could happen at the facility 

  • what hazards can cause major incidents to occur  

  • the control measures in place to stop or lessen the effects of major incidents 

  • how the emergency plan works and what they should do in an emergency 

  • how to carry out their safety role under the model WHS Regulations.  

This guide will also help with the operator’s duty of care to visitors at the facility by providing them with information and instructions so they: 

  • act safely while on-site 

  • know what to do if the emergency plan activates while they are on-site.  

This is one of 9 guides to help MHF operators understand Chapter 9 – Major hazard facilities in the model WHS Regulations. 

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Hazardous chemicals
Safety by industry and business
Major hazard facilities