To control the risk from poor support your workplace can:
- Identify what you need to do your job well and safely (e.g. having the right tools, equipment, systems and resources).
- Find ways of sharing information so you can access necessary information quickly (e.g. keep databases up to date).
- Set up the workplace so it is easy to get help from others (e.g. seat teams together and have places where you can have private discussions).
- Ensure supervisors have the skills and time to manage workers (e.g. to answer questions, help with challenging tasks and develop your skills).
- Build a workplace culture that values cooperation (e.g. have team goals and reward workers who help others).
- Hold regular team meetings to discuss challenges, potential solutions and any support needs (e.g. updating old equipment or debriefs after emotionally challenging tasks).
- Train workers to ensure you know how to do your job and use any relevant tools, equipment, systems, policies and processes.
Controlling psychosocial risks
In deciding how to control psychosocial risks, you must consider:
- the duration, frequency and severity of the exposure of workers and other persons to the psychosocial hazards
- how the psychosocial hazards may interact or combine.
You must also consider the things you can change to control the risks of psychosocial hazards in your workplace including:
- the design of work, including job demands and tasks
- the systems of work, including how work is managed, organised and supported
- the design and layout, and environmental conditions, of the workplace and workers’ accommodation
- the plant, substances and structures at the workplace
- workplace interactions or behaviours
- the information, training, instruction and supervision provided to workers.
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