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Know your duties - a tool for working safely
This tool provides information about duties under the model WHS laws, including duties for PCBUs and workers in the agriculture industry, how to meet these duties, and hazards you may face working in agriculture.
This information is on the workplace exposure standard (WES) for non-threshold based genotoxic carcinogens. It helps you:
identify this type of chemical
calculate a minimal cancer risk.
This document outlines the chemicals that will be added to and removed from the workplace exposure standards (WES) list.
You can also see the:
WES review methodology.
This document details primary and secondary sources of health-based data used to inform recommendations for workplace exposure standards (WES) for hazardous chemicals and sources for recommendations for notations.
Supporting information
This document outlines the criteria for how to find hazardous chemicals that could be added to or removed from the workplace exposure standards (WES) list.
You can find more information in:
This document is about a process to recommend health-based values and advisory notations for chemicals in the workplace exposure standards (WES) list. The outcomes are based on information …
This Decision Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) is the result of Safe Work Australia’s review of the current toxicological information and overseas trends in the regulation of lead in the workplace. It examines options to reduce the adverse health…
Workers can experience whole body vibration (WBV) at the workplace.
Use this guide if you measure and assess vibration at the workplace.
This guide is part of a workplace vibration collection, which includes:…
Workers can experience hand-arm vibration at the workplace.
Use this guide if you measure and assess vibration at the workplace.
This guide is part of a workplace vibration collection, which includes:
Workers can be exposed to whole body vibration (WBV) at the workplace.
Use this guide if you are a worker who is or likely to be exposed to WBV, or if you measure and assess vibration at the workplace.
This guide is part…