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Administrative and scheme delivery changes

COVID-19 Resources

Comcare has a series of resources and information to provide guidance to the jurisdiction in responding to COVID-19. These resources have included Comcare factsheets, infographics, posters, and webinars, which cover a range of topics from ‘Looking after your mental health’; ‘Working from home’; ‘Transitioning to usual workplaces as restrictions ease’; as well as other key advice to employees and employers. Some of these factsheets have been developed in collaboration with the Australian Public Service Commission.

Comcare continues to promote its guidance on maintaining COVID-safe workplaces across social media, email marketing, stakeholder email communication and website.

Self-insured Licensees

The following self-insurance licences under the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 commenced

  • DHL Express (Australia) Pty Ltd - 1 January 2019;
  • Australian Capital Territory - 1 March 2019;
  • Ramsay Health Care Australia - 1 December 2020;
  • Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited – 1 June 2021;
  • Bevchain Pty Limited – 1 July 2021

On 13 September 2021, Telstra Limited (formerly Network Design and Construction Limited) applied for a self insurance licence, which has been granted and is anticipated to commence on
14 March 2022.

Policy Developments

Principles on the role of the General Practitioner (GP) in supporting work participation

The Collaborative Partnership to improve work participation (the Partnership) developed Australia’s first national principles on the role of GPs in supporting work participation (the Principles). Led by the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, the Principles provide clarity around roles and expectations of all stakeholders involved in supporting work engagement, recovery at, and return to good work. The Principles are officially recognised as a Supported Position Statement by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and endorsed by the Heads of Workers’ Compensation Authorities. Stakeholder specific workshops to seek views on translating the principles into practice were held throughout March 2021 with employers and industry; income supports systems; GPs and medical health professionals; and the Australian Council of Trade Unions. A national cross-sector workshop was held in June 2021 with senior stakeholders across the sectors to discuss key ideas. The Partnership endorsed six recommendations from these workshops to support implementation of the Principles.

NewAccess workplaces

Comcare is leading a 2-year early intervention mental health initiative - NewAccess workplaces (the Program) – making the service accessible to up to 120,000 full-time equivalent employees (FTE) across 16 participating Australian Public Service (APS) agencies. The Program was rolled-out to participating agencies from 15 June 2020. NewAccess, developed by Beyond Blue, is a Low-intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (LiCBT) for individuals with mild to moderate levels of anxiety and/or depression. The Program will be independently evaluated by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) at 1-year and 2-years. The Program follows from Comcare’s successful NewAccess Pilot Trial in 2018-19, which showed that NewAccess is appropriate and effective for workplaces.

Early Intervention Pilot

Comcare partnered with three APS agencies, to trial a structured early intervention service to reduce the impact of injury or illness on employees. The pilot provided early and appropriate clinical and self-management support to employees to mitigate the development of a chronic and/or secondary condition. An independent evaluation of this project demonstrated strong results including improved recovery and return to work outcomes for workers. Comcare launched three resources in 2021 to support the translation of the evidence into practice: Better Practice: Early intervention programsMonitoring and evaluation framework and an eLearn module – Implementing and monitoring early intervention programs in the workplace.

Workplace Sexual Harassment – supports for the jurisdiction

The release of the Respect@Work: National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces Report (2020), has given rise to heightened awareness and increased focus on understanding, preventing, and reporting workplace sexual harassment across the jurisdiction. In collaboration with the Australian Human Rights Commission, Comcare has developed workplace sexual harassment regulatory and practical guidance that aligns with the national guidance from Safe Work Australia (SWA). In 2021, Comcare also progressed additional engagement opportunities with the jurisdiction relating to workplace sexual harassment.

Comcare’s guidance material, (published on the Comcare website on 19 March 2021), covers the following topics:

  • Workplace sexual harassment: Practical guidance for workers
  • Workplace sexual harassment: Practical guidance for managers and supervisors
  • Workplace sexual harassment: Practical guidance for employers
  • Regulatory guidance for employers on their work health and safety (WHS) responsibilities.

The Workplace Sexual Harassment National Forum (the Forum), hosted by Comcare in collaboration with SWA and state and territory WHS regulators, took place on 11 and 12 November 2021. The Forum was designed in response to the Respect@Work: National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplace Report.

The two-day event explored the theme ‘influencing positive change’ with a focus on workplace sexual harassment risks, management and prevention. Each day had a distinct audience. Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash provided the opening address on Day 1, via a pre-recorded video, which along with Day 1 presentations is available on the Comcare website.

Legislative Amendments

Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Defence-related Claims) (Specified Diseases and Employment) Amendment Instrument 2021

A scheme to support Australian Defence Force firefighters who participated in fire training at Royal Australian Air Force Base Point Cook between 1 January 1957 and 31 December 1986. The ADF Firefighter Scheme commenced on 20 September 2021 following passage of the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Defence-related Claims) (Specified Diseases and Employment) Amendment Instrument 2021.

The scheme provides a simplified pathway to compensation for 31 specified conditions, including all cancers, without having to provide evidence that the individual’s condition is related to their service. It also provides access to free medical screening for colorectal cancer and melanoma (for early detection and prevention), as well as access to individually tailored health and lifestyle advice through the “Heart Health Program” for 12 months.

The scheme was established out of recognition of the risks faced by Point Cook firefighters who were potentially exposed to a wide range of hazardous substances during fire suppression training at a time when personal protective equipment was not of the same standard available today.

Deferral of Permanent Impairment (PI) Guide sunsetting date

On 28 September 2021, the Attorney-General made the Legislation (Deferral of Sunsetting - Guide to the Assessment of the Degree of Permanent Impairment Instruments) Certificate 2021. This means the sunsetting (expiry) date for the current PI Guide has been pushed back to 1 April 2023.