Model WHS Laws

We created the model WHS laws in 2011.

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Administrative and scheme delivery changes

Workplace Rehabilitation Principles and Standards

The Workplace Rehabilitation Provider Principles and Standards of Practice were launched on 29 July 2021 with a follow up series of stakeholder information sessions to support the launch subsequently held in September 2021.

The Standards of Practice provide a cohesive set of service expectations for the workplace rehabilitation industry in Western Australia.

The Standards of Practice were developed in consultation with a Reference Group comprised of representatives from the Australian Rehabilitation Provider Association, Insurance Council of Australia, Self-Insurers’ Association (WA), Unions WA, and the National Insurance Brokers Association. Please refer to the Workcover WA website for further details.

New workers' compensation legislation

The drafting of a Bill to modernise workers' compensation legislation is in the final stages with an exposure draft of the new legislation released for public consultation in August 2021. The Bill incorporates recommendations from WorkCover WA's Review of the Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act 2021. The Bill will also implement lifetime care and support arrangements for catastrophically injured workers, delivering on a commitment between the Commonwealth and State and Territory governments.

COVID-19 vaccination injuries bulletin

WorkCover WA released a Bulletin which provides general information on the issue of COVID-19 vaccine injuries in the Western Australian workers' compensation and injury management scheme. Please see for further details.