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Administrative and scheme delivery changes

Opioid awareness campaign

ReachForTheFacts is an awareness campaign led by ReturnToWorkSA aimed at reducing opioid use. Due to the success of the campaign, ReturnToWorkSA began a second phase focussing on the psycho-social effects of opioid use. Surveys were undertaken and campaign objectives were achieved, for example, an increase in awareness of the risks of over use of opioids.


ReturnToWorkSA has taken steps to support South Australian businesses during this difficult time, including:

  • maintaining the average premium rate at 1.65% in 2020-21
  • excluding Job Keeper payments from 2020-21 premium calculations
  • tailoring solutions for individual employer circumstances, including reviewing remuneration (if the employer’s workforce has reduced), entering into payment arrangements, or deferring payment
  • maintaining the 2020-21 self-insured fee rate for private and Crown self-insured employers at the 2019-20 rate

These initiatives balance the need to keep the Return to Work scheme viable, so future premiums are as low as possible, with the need to support South Australian businesses during the COVID-19 crisis.

Overall, the number of all scheme claims received per day returned to ‘business as usual’ levels in June 2020, compared to the low numbers experienced in April 2020.

At 1 February 2022, 64 COVID-19 related claims had been received within the South Australian registered scheme, with 38 accepted, 21 pending and two withdrawn and one rejected. Data received from Self Insured Schemes including the Crown report 13 COVID-19 related claims, with 10 accepted, 1 rejected and 2 pending.

Legislative amendments


On 11 June 2020, the Return to Work (Prescribed Class of Injury) Variation Regulations 2020 commenced to add pneumoconiosis (including silicosis) and other injuries that are caused by exposure to crystalline silica to the list of regulated injuries set out in the Return to Work Regulations.

By doing this, non-seriously injured workers diagnosed with silicosis and other similar insidious diseases, can be eligible to receive medical treatment for these injuries beyond the normal time limitations of the Return to Work scheme (3 year maximum for non-seriously injured workers).

Salvation Army

On 15 October 2020, the Return to Work (Exclusions) Variation Regulations 2020 commenced to allow Salvation Army Officers to come within the coverage of the Return to Work Act 2014.

On 15 December 2020 the Return to Work (Royal District Nursing Service) Variation Regulations 2021 commenced to revoke regulation 52(c) of the Return to Work Regulations 2015 so that Royal District Nursing of SA Limited is no longer considered an agency or instrumentality of the Crown under the Return to Work Act 2014.

On 2 September 2021 the Return to Work (Self-Insured Employers Variation Regulations 2021 commenced deleting Regulation 53(3)(b). This variation allows for flexibility in the waiving of application fees where a Crown self-insured employer transitions to private self-insurance under the Return to Work Act 2014.