Construction is one of the most dangerous industries to work in, because of its combination of hazards. Specific WHS duties can apply in the construction industry when certain hazards are present. Click on a link below for more information:
Confined spaces
Demolition work
including Silica that can cause occupational lung diseasesElectrical work
Excavation work and tunnelling
Hazardous chemicals
Hazardous manual tasks
High Risk Construction Work
Plant and machinery
Psychosocial hazards
Slips, trips and falls
Traffic management
Working at heights
Working outdoors
To work safely, it’s important to:
- Understand and comply with your WHS duties. Everyone working in construction has WHS duties under the model WHS Act.
- General duties that apply to all industries under the model WHS laws
- Specific duties that apply to the construction industry under the model WHS laws
- Identify hazards and manage the risks with construction.
- Consult with your workers and any health and safety representatives through this process. Read more about consultation in the model Code of Practice: Work health and safety consultation, cooperation and coordination.